Arena Swimming

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As a 2023 AGE and AUS Champs Finalist (A) and a 2023 AGE & AUS MC Top 3 Winner, we would like to offer you a 40% discount* on most products from arena.


Please note that the special discount only applies to you, so buying for your friends etc. is not permitted. For us to be able to track this, you must provide your details regarding your Powerskin size.

The discount is also only available on the arena website and in our own arena shops, so please don't ask any other retailers if they can match the 40% discount.

Anyone found to be abusing this will have their special discount reduced from 40% to 25% with no warning. 

Ultimately we may be forced cease this initiative if eligible swimmers continue to improperly use this privilege, which would be a shame for those of you doing the right thing.

We apologize for the strong message, but we also have to consider our retailers, who support the arena brand and the above is necessary to make it workable for everyone.

To qualify please submit your details below before 1st July 2023. All discounts should be active from the beginning of July 2023.

*The 40% discount does not apply to Merchandise & Sale Items

Please enter all details